Feb 9, 2014

White Night trailer

Filled with lunar and feminine symbolism, psychological horror and melancholy, the story of the game will unfold as the player discovers the dark events which built the manor a past, spinning a yarn in the style of an old noir story that you would be reading at candle light. 
White Night stands at the crossroads of fantastic literature, cinema and videogames. Its gameplay-motivated artistic direction – an intensely contrasted black and white – was inspired by masterpieces by Hitchcock (Pyscho, The Rope, Spellbound…) and the threatening perspectives of German expressionism (The Cabinet of Dr Calligari). David Lynch’s crepuscular poetry is never far from the manor either. 
In White Night, light draws a discontinuous line between form and substance, a road mark leading from life to death. It’s a trying journey to the heart of darkness, a journey of no return sometimes one has to accomplish in his existence."
White Night 
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Maira Gall