Jul 19, 2012

Family Game Night: Gamer Mom, 2012

Have you ever struggled to describe a life-altering game experience to a loved one? Perhaps you were attempting to convince them of its immediate value and furthermore insist they join you in the experience. Have you ever played an MMOG?

In Gamer Mom, you take on the role of a mother describing her euphoria since playing World of Warcraft, as she attempts to convince her teenage daughter and husband to join. The task is anything but easy.

The interaction of Gamer Mom is unique. Instead of espousing a bottom of the screen text delivery, an apportioned approach is taken in which each available choice to be made, be it psychological or interactive, is available and represented on the screen in a sort of text balloon. Each text balloon is available to click on, though with varying results. Another point of interest is the minimal, sleek look of Gamer Mom, which I find to be extremely attractive.

All in all, Gamer Mom is a fresh idea for a game and is a lot of fun. The dialogue is witty and the graphics are limited and minimal, which in turn makes the combination of text-based gameplay and meager graphics sufficient and stylish.

platform utilized: brower
genre: text-based game
where to find: Gamer Mom can be played right here.
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